
Did you know that Keith’s Moving Company offers in-home moving services? That’s right! Our experienced movers are the perfect solution for people who are looking to move heavy and bulky items within their home or office. Our professional, friendly movers are just the right team to help move large items that you can’t handle on your own. Best of all, our movers are experts at navigating difficult corners and daunting stairs. Here are just a few examples of our in-home moving options and scenarios:

Are you preparing for winter and need help moving patio furniture and yard equipment? Give us a call! 

Are you staging or renovating your house and need to move big appliances and heavy furniture without damaging your house? Give us a call! 

Are you reorganizing your commercial office building or getting new workspaces installed? Give us a call! 

Let us give you a hand! When you need a hand moving heavy items around your house or office, Keith’s Moving Company is the perfect partner. Our professional movers can make quick work of any in-home moving project. Didn’t see your situation in the list above? Give us a call. We’re always happy to help!  

 Keith’s Moving Company: (716) 684-3745



Where in the World is Keith’s Moving Company?

Each month, we take a look back at all of the Buffalo families and businesses that we helped move. Check it out below

Moving stats for September 2020:

Most Moves: Cheektowaga, NY

Furthest Move: Lancaster, NY > New Hampshire

Most Common Move: New construction homes

Largest Move: 3,200 sq. foot house 

Miles traveled: 3,100