
Summer has officially come to a close in Buffalo. Leaves are changing, kids are back in the school, and the Bills are leading the charge! While the warmer weather is on its way out the door, one thing is clear – Buffalo’s energy and momentum are definitely not.

As one of the fastest-growing and strongest housing markets in the nation, Buffalo was part of an amazing resurgence this summer – and Keith’s Moving Company is so grateful to have played a small role in it.

While the local news headlines were abuzz with exciting housing and economic statistics, we were on the front lines – helping The City of Good Neighbors start their next exciting chapter. This renewed energy and enthusiasm was so exciting to be a part of. Rebounding in the midst of the pandemic was no easy feat – but Buffalo persevered. And we are not done yet. As the weather continues to cool, Keith’s Moving Company is committed to helping our neighbors move into their next house, apartment, or dorm just like we always do – One box at a time.

From all of us here at Keith’s Moving Company, we would like to thank our customers for making this summer one of the busiest summers on record! If you are ready to be a part of Buffalo’s amazing resurgence and are ready to move this fall, give us a call. We’re always happy to help!