
Moving to a new house, apartment, or dorm can be an exciting time! With so many new adventures and memories to be made, moving is an amazing chapter in many of our lives. Unfortunately, the stress and hassle of moving also can complicate the process. Luckily, we’ve accumulated several best practices over the last 26 years in business to help our customers avoid many common mistakes we see happen year after year. Here are our top three common mistakes to avoid while moving:

Don’t go with the cheapest movers. 

We know price is a very important factor in almost every decision. This can be especially true after you pay closing costs on a new house or pay first and last months’ rent upfront. But, beware of ultra low-cost movers! Over the years, we’ve seen fly-by-night companies with little to no experience claiming they are “experienced.” Don’t be fooled. Many of these low-cost companies are uninsured – and should you run into a problem – you are on the hook. In short – don’t trust inexperienced, uninsured companies with your most treasured possessions. It’s not worth the risk. 

Don’t pack everything. 

Many families and businesses in the process of moving have a “just get it done” mentality that can lead to packing up everything in their house without taking the time to organize it. This is a mistake. Take the extra time to sort through your belongings. Doing so will help you control the cost of your move, avoiding unnecessary charges for moving items that are no longer needed. You will also save time in the long run – helping your moving teamwork quicker and more efficiently during the move. When it’s time to unpack, less clutter will be in the way and suddenly, home sweet home is one step closer than you thought. Finally, less clutter also equates to a simpler, less chaotic moving experience. Take it from the pros – less stress, less cost, and less time will all help ensure a seamless and enjoyable moving experience.

Don’t delay

We get it. Life happens in such a way that forces us to be reactive rather than proactive. Thinking about buying a new house? Don’t wait until you are signing the closing paperwork to look for a moving company. Start your research early in the process – allowing time for you to be selective and hire the best possible company for the job. Oftentimes, being proactive in the moving process will also help you secure the best possible price and find a schedule that works for your needs. 

Keith’s Moving Company has been taking the stress out of moving for over 26 years and counting. Our professional team of movers are ready and able to help your next move a success. So, what are you waiting for? Contact our Buffalo team today for a free customized moving estimate and take the worry out of your upcoming move.