
Don’t Buy Boxes!

Hello from Keith’s Moving Company! Today, we want to share a tip that can save you money and help the environment while you’re preparing for your move: Don’t buy boxes! Each year, millions of cardboard boxes are used once for moving and then discarded. Not only is...

2023 in Review

As we approach the close of yet another year, we want to express our deepest appreciation to you, our valued customers. Your trust in us, whether for the first time or the tenth, means the world to us. Before we say goodbye to 2023, we’d like to take this moment...

Move Now!

Recent trends in the housing landscape signal a unique moment for potential movers. With mortgage rates and house prices stabilizing, the decision to move has never seemed more appealing. If you’ve been contemplating a change, now is the time to act. Timing is...

Buckle Up, Buffalo. It’s Moving Season!

As the weather begins to improve in Buffalo, we at Keith’s Moving Company are gearing up for what we know will be a busy moving season. The warmer temperatures and longer daylight hours make it the perfect time to make a move, and we are ready to help our customers...